Effortless Parking Solutions at Porto Airport

Key takeaways on your new investment

Purpose-built, long stay, secure airport-car-parking in close proximity to Porto Airport, Portugal

WePark Porto offers investors the opportunity to purchase individual or multiple parking spaces within a purpose-built, long-term parking lot at Porto Airport. These spaces can be used for personal use or included in a general commercial management agreement, providing a guaranteed dividend on 9% yearly, the first 2 years of the investment.

WePark Porto has a unique selling point as the first to introduce affordable investment opportunities in airport-car-parking in The Southern Europe.

Purchasing multiple parking spaces

Although our parking spaces can be purchased from only EUR 23,000 per unit, the majority typically purchases multiple parking spaces. Multiple parking spaces can be purchased using one land registry title deed. This reduces completion costs on larger property portfolios.

Car parking spaces, which will serve Porto Airport, are now been released for presale

The WePark product represents a robust commercial property investment, accompanied by the advantage of having its own registered title at the Land Registry. Investors have the option to enter a management agreement, guaranteeing a dividend of 9% for the first 2 years.

Upon completion, each investor will receive their own personal title deed.

Management agreement in place upon completion which gives excellent returns

The investor can opt-in to a 2-year management agreement of the car parking space(s) upon completion. This guarantees rental income for the first two years at 9% net annually. Projected returns rise to 11 % in years 3 & 4 and then to over 14 % in years 5 & 6.

Airports are set to create the fastest growing demand for parking throughout The EU

Porto Airport is expanding rapidly and will require more than 10,000 long stay parking spaces by 2025 (the airport occupies only 4.000 parking spaces as 2024.

WePark is proud and excited to be in the unique position to release the first genuine, gilt-edged, low-entry-level airport parking investment available anywhere in the world. Available for a limited period only.

What about security?

All of our car parks have excellent security alarm systems and the latest CCTV. Your parking space can be accessed 7 days a week. All car parks have secure access entry and exit systems and are manned throughout the day.

What are the main risks involved with the investment?

There are certain risks involved in all types of commercial real estate investments, including airport parking, that investors should understand prior to engaging in a purchase. Please ensure you also read the “risk” section in the menu above.
The following is by no means exhaustive and further risks exist

The services of WePark Porto are in direct competition with Porto Airport. As the airport expands, it must be expected that they will provide more parking spaces. Further, WePark Porto faces direct competition from other independent parking operators. If the supply of parking spaces is higher than demand, it must be expected that the prices charged will be effected.

The demand for airport parking is highly correlated with the number of passengers using the airport. Porto Airport have announced long term plans to expand its passenger capacity from its current level of +15 million. If Porto Airport should fail to expand, or if use should decrease, the future demand for parking will be negatively effected.

As much care and caution as possible has been applied to forecast pricing and costs, however it is difficult to predict the future with any degree of certainty. Income and costs might significantly differ from our expectations, severely impacting the anticipated net income / profit.

Economies of Scale:
Our experience shows that independent parking facilities must be of a certain size to be profitable as the fixed costs are relatively high in comparison to the income. If the utilization rate is too low, the facility will not generate a profit.